Imagine a room. Inside this room there is everything you need. Only, it isn’t a room, because it has no walls, no floor, no ceiling. And it doesn’t exist only in your imagination- it is real and present- with you every moment of every day. And it doesn’t hold only...
Dear Reader, It is February when I am sitting down to write this. The light outside my window is bright, but diffused and harsh as it fights its way through heavy cloud cover. I too am feeling heavy and a little bit lost- and it is a familiar feeling that comes every...
I have asked or been asked this question 5 times today, and it’s barely 10am. Like most of us, my response is typically some version of “fine” or the peppier version, “great!” or the more honest but vague phrase, “oh, you know, it’s going…” The question barely...
In 2019, I signed up for adult tap-dancing class at a local dance studio. I had taken jazz dance when I was a kid, and while my mother told me I was talented, I was a C average. No shame in that. Even as a kid I knew I was not great. It didn’t matter that much to me....
I have been thinking about danger a lot, lately. Reading the daily news headlines, I am reminded the world is full of dangers: the dangers of climate change; the dangers of geopolitical conflicts; the daily threats to democracy, free press, access to reproductive...
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